We caught up with Salisbury, MD native Jason Wharton and asked him a few questions about his art!
Who or what influenced you to start creating art?
They are growing up flipping through old Thrasher, VW, and HotRod magazines, influenced by Ed Roth, Jim Phillips, And Vernon Courtlandt Johnson.

What are your favorite mediums to work with when creating your art?
I have art ADD, So I change mediums weekly, but I love hand painting using oil-based enamels.
Your pinstriping is on point. How did you learn this incredible talent?
I built a rat-style Volkswagen in 2004, and a good friend suggested I try pinstriping!
After some practice, I striped my VW bug; after that, I wanted to stripe everything!

What are your favorite brushes and supplies to use?
Mack King 13 pinstriping brushes and Virus liners.

If you could hang out with one famous person… Dead or alive, who would it be?
Ed “Big Daddy” Roth… A lot of my art and style are inspired by him!

What other hobbies do you enjoy when you’re not creating artwork?
Skateboarding, Skateboard collecting, BMX Racing, Building air-cooled Volkswagens, messing around with motorcycles.
I’m currently restoring a 1970 Cadillac Hearse!

Please go check out Jason Wharton’s website and get some incredibly talented artwork done by him!