Celebrating Skate Legacy: The SANTA CRUZ Salba Tiger Reissue Deck

It’s not just about the board… It’s about the story, the brand, and the promise of performance it holds. 

Today, we’re celebrating a classic that has returned with renewed flair – the SANTA CRUZ Salba Tiger Reissue 10.3in x 31.1in. skateboard deck.

The Quintessential Look

santa cruz tiger top
santa cruz tiger graphic

Santa Cruz Skateboards, a brand name that resonates with authenticity and prowess, brings back the iconic Steve Alba Tiger Reissue deck

But this isn’t just a regular reissue…

This edition has a distinctive spot gloss graphic, making the tiger design pop and shine with a luxe touch. 

The cherry on top?

The 50th Anniversary decktop boasts a laser-etched logo, marking the brand’s significant milestone.

Craftsmanship at Its Finest

What’s the backbone of an excellent skateboard deck? The material and pressing technique. The Salba Tiger Reissue doesn’t cut any corners. 

It’s crafted with 7-ply North American Maple, known for its durability and sturdiness. 

Each deck is pressed individually with epoxy, ensuring not just a strong and responsive ride but also a long-lasting pop that avid skateboarders seek. 

The consistent concave and kick further enhance its skating dynamics.

A Closer Look at the Specifications:

Dimensions: A generous 10.3″ x 31.1″ provides ample foot space for tricks and cruising.

Package Dimensions: 31 x 10 x 1.5 inches, ensuring secure and damage-free delivery.

Weight: A sturdy 48 ounces, promising durability.

Color: A classic natural finish that appeals to purists and new-age skaters alike.

Suggested Users: Crafted with inclusivity in mind, this unisex deck caters to all genders.

Manufacturer: The renowned SANTA CRUZ.

Model: Salba Tiger Reissue, a name that carries a rich history.

Part Number: For the enthusiasts who like specifics – 11117003-144619.

Size: Perfectly measured at 10.3in x 31.1″.

The SANTA CRUZ Salba Tiger Reissue

The SANTA CRUZ Salba Tiger Reissue isn’t just a skateboard deck; it’s a nostalgic journey down the memory lanes of skateboarding culture. 

With a seamless blend of legacy design and modern craftsmanship, this deck is a testament to Santa Cruz’s commitment to quality and skateboarding heritage. 

Whether you’re looking to rekindle old memories or start a new adventure, this board promises to be your perfect companion. 

So, ride with pride, knowing you’re carrying a piece of history beneath your feet!

Get yours right here!

Stay stoked, stay skating,

The SPS Team

Who is Steve Alba?

Steve Alba, commonly known as “Salba,” is a legendary skateboarder who contributed heavily to the pool and bowl skating scene.

Born on May 29, 1963, in San Bernardino, California, Salba began skating at an early age and quickly made a name for himself in the skateboarding community.

Here’s a brief bio:

Steve “Salba” Alba:

  • Early Years: Steve Alba began skating as a young kid in the 1970s. He was influenced by the surf culture of Southern California and translated that style into the emerging world of skateboarding. The 1970s was a significant decade for skateboarding as the sport transitioned from clay wheels to urethane, allowing for smoother rides and more radical maneuvers.
  • Pool Skating: Salba is especially celebrated for his pool and bowl skating skills. Along with other pioneers of the era, he took advantage of the many empty pools in Southern California (often due to the drought and housing crisis) to develop and define vertical skateboarding.
  • Professional Career: Salba turned pro in the late ’70s and rode for several prominent skateboard companies. He has won numerous contests and championships throughout his career. His aggressive style and innovative tricks set him apart from his peers and solidified his place in skateboarding history.
  • Santa Cruz Skateboards: Salba has had a long-standing relationship with Santa Cruz Skateboards. He has had several signature models with the company, and his designs, often featuring the iconic “Salba Tiger”, are highly sought after by collectors.
  • Badlands: Steve Alba was a significant figure in the Badlands skate scene, an area encompassing parts of Southern California’s Inland Empire, including Upland. The scene was known for its unique style and the Upland Skatepark, home to the iconic “Pipeline” skate bowl.
  • Legacy: Today, Salba is often regarded as one of the grandfathers of pool and bowl skating. His influence can be seen in many skaters who have come after him. Despite age, Salba continues to skate and remains involved in the skateboarding community, advocating for skate parks and preserving skateboarding history.

Throughout his career, Steve Alba has not only showcased his talent but has also been an advocate for skateboarding as a community and culture.

His contributions to the sport have left an indelible mark, and he remains a respected figure in skateboarding history.

  • Steve is very active on Instagram. Go check him out!
  • And get Steve “Salba” Alba’s full story on The Nine Club: