Busting the BS Around Skateboard Truck Sizes

Talking about skateboard truck sizes ain’t exactly sexy. But choosing the right trucks can make or break your skateboard.

I’m not kidding. My buddy Jay once rode the wrong-sized truck and slammed and broke his arm.

Now he feels thunderstorms in his thumb three hours before lighting strikes.

So don’t mess around.

Good trucks put you in control, make things stable, and help you roll around like a boss.

So get your skate key, my friends… We’re about to get into some nitty-gritty.

Measuring Your Deck Width

First things first, your skateboard deck.

We have to get that measured before we jump into the world of truck sizes.

So grab that tape measure, and find the widest point on your deck.

It’s near the front truck area, especially for your old-school deck or shaped deck fans. But if you’re still scratching your head, measure the distance across where the truck holes are.

Take your time and be accurate. This is key to unlocking the perfect truck size.

Skateboard Truck Width
Skateboard Trucks with wheels equal to the sides of the skateboard deck

Choosing the Right Truck Size

Okay, you got your deck width. Now it’s time to play matchmaker.

Skateboard trucks come in all shapes and sizes, each designed to fit with a particular deck. So it would be best to compare your deck width to the available truck sizes.

If your deck is 8 inches wide, a truck 8 inches wide would be okay.

Considerations When Picking Truck Size

Trucks come in all sizes and shapes! Most popular trucks range in these sizes 8.0, 8.25, 8.5, 8.75, 9, 9.25, 9.5, and 10 inches, for them larger old-school shapes!

Every size is crafted to match specific deck widths.

But here’s the kicker. And I still don’t understand this. But skateboard truck manufacturers might have slightly different measurements. Ugh. That isn’t very pleasant.

So keep those eyes looking for the specific measurements the manufacturer gives to double-check that everything fits right.

Double-Checking the Truck Size

Rules are made to be broken. Maybe you want oversized trucks or something? So there are a few things to consider when picking your truck size.

You’ve got your riding style, personal taste, and the kind of tricks you plan on nailing.

Don’t forget about the width of your wheels.

You don’t want them sticking out like a sore thumb or hiding under your deck.

You’re looking for that sweet spot where everything comes together in a perfect balance of style and function.

Trucks that are too small for skateboard
This isn’t good. Never have trucks smaller than your deck width… Just ask Jay!

Seeking Expert Advice

Almost there, but hold your bearings!

Double-check that truck size before you hand over the cash.

Not all decks and trucks are created equal, and there can be slight differences.

Check and double-check that the fit is just right before you commit.

You don’t want nasty surprises when you’re ready to hit the pavement!

Don’t sweat if you’re feeling lost or have questions coming out of your ears.

Head to your local skate shop and chew the fat with the guys there.

They know their stuff, and they can give you some solid advice.